Group travel can be fun, but it’s not without challenges. Paragon Car & Van Rental recommends establishing rules of etiquette before embarking on your journey to avoid arguments and hurt feelings. Review these helpful guidelines for creating common etiquette rules for your next group trip.
Set Clear Expectations
The best way to avoid uncomfortable situations is to set clear expectations for your journey. A detailed agenda explaining the trip’s information is helpful for all passengers. You may want to include:
- Your cell phone number
- Pick-up and drop-off times and locations
- Schedule for bathroom breaks, meals, and snacks
- Information regarding the event you are traveling to, such as accommodations, meeting times, and locations
Monitor Seat Selection
Most passengers are polite and courteous when choosing their seats. They typically make allowances for people who easily get car sick or have difficulty getting in and out of passenger vans. If you believe choosing seats could be an issue, assign seats before everyone arrives.
Agree on Radio Usage
Avoid arguments over listening to music by deciding the type of music to listen to and the volume level ahead of time. Many individuals bring their own earbuds, cell phones, or tablets to keep themselves busy while traveling, so the radio may not be an issue.
Choose Heat & A/C Settings
Everyone has their own preferences regarding the temperature while riding in a van. A comfortable temperature for most people is 70 degrees Fahrenheit. You can set the temperature slightly cooler or warmer, depending on the time of year and where you travel. Remind people that temperate settings may vary while driving and to bring blankets or dress in layers to remain comfortable.
Select an Alternate Driver
When selecting an alternate driver, choose someone you trust, with a good driving record, and if possible, with experience driving a 12-passenger van. Have them sit in the seat next to you and help navigate traffic, give directions, and control vehicle settings so you can focus on the road.
Well-Maintained 12-Passenger Van Rentals
Establishing rules of etiquette ahead of any group travel can prevent misunderstandings and make traveling smoother for everyone. Make a reservation for a 12-passenger van from Paragon by calling (773) 622-7660, or request a quote online now. We serve Chicago and all surrounding areas with our minivan rentals, cargo van rentals, midsize car rentals, SUV rentals, and more.
Source: “Passenger Van Safety Tips.” Web page. Department of Administration Risk Management Division. Web. 24 Jul. 2023.